Cord: B2B SaaS content, social media copy, and thought leadership

Did you know I absolutely love the B2B SaaS world? It allows me to stretch my brain and make the complex simple. I work well with technical subject-matter experts and product managers alike, knowing the right questions to ask so I can make the value of their software tools irresistible (and clear) to their target audiences.

Lead magnet: Original research report

Cord’s State of Project Management in 2021 Report is based on original research from Cord, digging into how companies big and small do task management. I dug into this data and worked with the product marketing manager to pull out big themes. I painted a picture, all in the clients’ fun and matter-of-fact brand voice, that would help show that most teams are overwhelmed and need to streamline collaboration.

Thought-leadership content and threads

What’s a productivity tool without productivity tips? I helped Cord position itself as a brand—and its founder—as a thought leader in the “how to work” space through Twitter threads and thought leadership articles like “The future of collaboration is here, but we need a mindset shift.”

Product use cases

This post titled “Heal your love-hate relationship with Mailchimp with this add-on” speaks to Cord’s marketing and product management user base, showing how the tool can be used to improve in-app experiences. I loved bringing fun copy into this to really drive home what email marketers go through and how Cord can help.

Big biz milestones

I wrote this blog post along with a press release and Twitter threads to announce Cord’s $17.5M seed round and partnership with Typeform. This launch brought in double the number of qualified leads expected, 20% more Twitter followers, 5,700+ page views in a single day, and 10 features in publications (some with backlinks to this post).


buddhi: Content


Brand Newsletters